
Who are we? The research group on Democracy, Elections and Citizenship (DEC) is part of the Department of Political Science of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The main goal of the group is the analysis of citizens’ political involvement. For this purpose, we develop externally funded projects. Our approach is empirical (we collect and analyze data) and […]

Contact us

Facultat de Ciències PolítiquesDespatx B3-167 Edifici BCampus de la UAB08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona)TEL +34 93 581 24 28FAX +34 93 581 24 39

Work with us

Would you like to join our research group as a Postdoctoral Fellow or visiting researcher?  Would you like to do your PhD with us? PhD Researchers If you want to do your PhD at our group we will be happy to discuss your fit with our research interests/topics and your opportunities for funding. You can […]


The Spanish Political Attitudes Panel Dataset, also known as the POLAT Panel, is an original database developed by the Democracy, Elections & Citizenship research group to measure and explain changes in individuals’ political attitudes and behaviors. The dataset is particularly advantageous as it employs a panel structure, thus enabling the precise measurement of intra-individual attitudinal […]


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Eva Anduiza – Full Professor of Political Science Eva Anduiza – Professor of Political Science and Icrea Academia at the UAB. Her research interests focus around political engagement in advanced democracies including the causes and consequences of electoral turnout, political protest, digital media and political attitudes. She is also interested in survey and experimental methodology. Recently […]